Pre-natal Massage is designed to focus on the specific needs of the pregnant woman and the new mother. Benefits of massage during pregnancy include:
- relaxation and stress reduction
- immune system enhancement
- relief of muscle spasms and myofascial pain
- increased blood and lymph circulation
- reduction of leg swelling
- reduction of strain
- dysfunction in weight bearing joints
- emotional support and development of sensory awareness to prepare for the experience of labor.
In the postpartum period, massage therapy can:
- facilitate the restoration of pre-pregnancy physiology through enhanced circulation and lymphatic drainage
- alleviate muscle strain and soreness produced by the labor and delivery process
- promote structural realignment of the pelvic region
- facilitate healing from caesarean section using connective tissue and scar massage techniques
- provide physical nurturance to a new mother during the physical and emotional stress of early mothering.
30 Minutes – $45
1 Hour – $60